Get Setup

Setup NodeJS

Install NodeJS.

Check Successful NodeJS Install

Ensure that you can run the following commands:

log versions
node --version
npm --version
npx --version

Setup IDE

Install Visual Studio Code.

Online Playground

Lesson descriptions like this come with code samples that can be executed online. Just press the "Play ▶️" icon in the sample below.

export default function Home() {
return (
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Getting set up for next JS is extremely easy, and if you followed the setup for our other web development courses, you should be good to go. That said, here is a quick recap of what you will need. The first thing that you need for pretty much any web development project is node js, and you can get that from node going to the download section, and here you can choose to install it using a package manager like NVM, which allows you to run different versions of node simultaneously. Or you can take the easy route, go into the prebuilt installers, select your operating system, and download the installer, which you will be able to click


through and install node js. Once you've completed the installation process, you can ensure that it is successfully installed by opening up the terminal or the command prompt and executing the command node minus minus version to ensure that node is available. Additionally, a few of the things that node comes with that we will use for this course are NPM, so you can run NPM minus minus version. And another command that also comes with node js is NPX, so you can verify that with NPX minus minus version. Now the exact versions of these things don't actually matter.


They have been stable for quite a while, so as long as you are above these particular numbers, you should be good to go. The other thing that you will need if you want to develop next JS applications locally on your own development machine is an IDE and we recommend VS code, which is free and open source. Head on over to code do visual, and it does a great job of detecting your operating system and you can download it straight from the homepage or alternatively, you can click on other platforms and select an installer specific for your operating system. Once more, you pretty much download it


and follow through a guided installation process. You don't necessarily need to have a local development setup to follow along with this course as our lessons come with executable online playgrounds. Within the lesson descriptions, you can find code samples and these code samples are quite often executable. Look for the play icon and if you click it, it opens up a full ITE within your browser, which you can use to play around to your heart's content and truly understand the concepts.