ReactJS is at the center of the modern web development universe ⚫️ This course presents the core API and concepts so you can start creating React Applications and being productive with this amazing framework ⚛️
React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for complex web interfaces. There are several reasons why developers choose React.js:
Overall, React.js provides a powerful and flexible framework for building modern web applications, making it a popular choice for developers worldwide.
Knowledge of JavaScript and TypeScript will be extremely helpful. We have excellent courses that cover JavaScript and TypeScript.
While deep knowledge of HTML / CSS is not required, some familiarity will be useful for lessons that map these concepts to React.
If you want to get started with React in order to use it effectively day to day this course is for you. We get you started on React as simply as possible and cover enough concepts that you will be comfortable picking up specific concepts needed for advanced projects 🥋.
I've been working with React for a long time. Lead multiple teams and multiple React Projects to successful completion. Helped a lot of people with React on StackOverflow.
This course takes those learnings, updates them for modern React and presents it in a very simple / easy to digest fashion. We start with simple things, and wrap up with a full game example project deployed for free on the public internet.
A lot of effort has gone into this course to make sure you get all the knowledge you need as quickly as possible. No time wasting here. You will learn quickly and be on your way, building great things 🎄
(⏱️ 3:53)
Setup for React Development
(⏱️ 1:21)
Create a React Project
(⏱️ 4:34)
JSX Mental Model
(⏱️ 6:01)
ReactJS Prop Handling
(⏱️ 7:52)
JSX Fragments Simplified
(⏱️ 2:07)
Styling HTML in React
(⏱️ 5:02)
React State Management and useState
(⏱️ 9:35)
Conditional Rendering
(⏱️ 8:38)
Rendering in a Loop
(⏱️ 3:16)
Pure Components and React.memo
(⏱️ 4:29)
Using Index as Keys
(⏱️ 5:37)
React Event Handling
(⏱️ 7:30)
React DevTools Masterclass
(⏱️ 7:38)
Error Boundaries in React
(⏱️ 9:22)
React Rules of Hooks
(⏱️ 5:54)
React useEffect Simplified
(⏱️ 13:02)
React useRef Hook
(⏱️ 8:40)
React Batching Updates and flushSync
(⏱️ 5:41)
React useReducer Simplified
(⏱️ 9:48)
React Context API
(⏱️ 10:07)
React use API vs useContext
(⏱️ 4:17)
Radio Buttons in React
(⏱️ 7:44)
React useId Simplified
(⏱️ 2:33)
React useMemo Demystified
(⏱️ 7:00)
Select Component in React
(⏱️ 7:20)
Creating Forms with React
(⏱️ 9:24)
Deploying your React App
(⏱️ 7:43)
React useDebugValue Secret Hook
(⏱️ 5:41)
React useCallback Performance Optimizer
(⏱️ 6:54)
React forwardRef Demystified
(⏱️ 5:49)
React useImperativeHandle Unleashed
(⏱️ 5:35)
React useDeferredValue Performance Hack
(⏱️ 4:34)
React useTransition - Fine Grained Control
(⏱️ 5:48)
Building a Complete Game
(⏱️ 15:08)