never Type

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Professional TypeScript Masterclass Lessons

⏱️ 1:54
⏱️ 5:44
3.Primitive Types
⏱️ 1:42
4.Instance Types
⏱️ 1:52
5.Arrays And Tuples
⏱️ 1:38
⏱️ 1:33
7.const declarations
⏱️ 1:03
8.Function Types
⏱️ 1:57
9.Structural Typing
⏱️ 2:10
10.Classes in TypeScript
⏱️ 1:48
11.Target Compiler Option
⏱️ 2:37
⏱️ 3:02
13.Special Types any And unknown
⏱️ 2:00
14.JavaScript to TypeScript
⏱️ 1:32
15.Frontend Projects
⏱️ 3:49
16.Type Assertions
⏱️ 2:15
17.Type Casting
⏱️ 1:16
⏱️ 1:55
19.Type Declarations
⏱️ 4:25
20.Creating NPM packages
⏱️ 3:20
21.Async Await
⏱️ 3:05
22.Running in NodeJS
⏱️ 1:40
23.Lexical this
⏱️ 2:34
24.readonly Modifier
⏱️ 1:59
25.Union Types
⏱️ 2:57
26.Literal Types
⏱️ 2:58
27.Type Narrowing
⏱️ 4:19
28.Discriminated Unions
⏱️ 3:29
29.Class Parameter Properties
⏱️ 1:02
30.Strict Compiler Option
⏱️ 6:18
31.null vs undefined
⏱️ 4:19
32.Intersection Types
⏱️ 2:03
33.Optional Modifier
⏱️ 2:47
34.Non Null Assertion Operator
⏱️ 3:40
⏱️ 2:28
36.Interface Declaration Merging
⏱️ 1:01
37.Types vs Interfaces
⏱️ 2:16
38.never Type
⏱️ 3:00
39.implements Keyword
⏱️ 1:25
40.Definite Assignment Assertion
⏱️ 2:31
41.User Defined Type Guards
⏱️ 2:02
42.Assertion Functions
⏱️ 3:42
43.Function Overloading
⏱️ 4:15
44.Call Signatures
⏱️ 2:53
45.Abstract Classes
⏱️ 1:53
46.Index Signatures
⏱️ 3:08
47.Readonly Arrays and Tuples
⏱️ 2:58
48.Double Assertions
⏱️ 2:20
49.const Assertions
⏱️ 3:55
50.this Parameter
⏱️ 2:33
51.Generic Constraints
⏱️ 2:43
52.typeof Type Operator
⏱️ 2:12
53.Lookup Types
⏱️ 3:12
54.keyof Type Operator
⏱️ 3:55
55.Conditional Types
⏱️ 4:39
56.Contitional Types with Unions and never
⏱️ 3:32
57.infer Keyword and `ReturnType<T>`
⏱️ 3:47
58.Mapped Types
⏱️ 2:48
59.Mapped Type Modifiers
⏱️ 3:37
60.Template Literal Type
⏱️ 4:28
⏱️ 1:27
⏱️ 1:36
⏱️ 1:34
64.Record<K, T>
⏱️ 4:05
65.Project References
⏱️ 4:18
66.undefined vs. optional
⏱️ 2:48
67.satisfies Operator
⏱️ 2:42
68.PropertyKey Type
⏱️ 0:57
⏱️ 4:11
⏱️ 4:12
71.String Manipulation Types
⏱️ 3:36
72.Mapped Types as Clauses
⏱️ 4:01
73.Union vs Intersection Mental Model
⏱️ 3:36
74.Enums are Bad
⏱️ 8:11

never Type

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Sometimes Things Can never happen

For example this function never returns as it throws an error:

const fail = (message: string) => {
throw new Error(message);

Similarly this function never returns as it has an infinite loop:

const sing = function() {
while (true) {
console.log('Never gonna give you up');
console.log('Never gonna let you down');
console.log('Never gonna run around and desert you');
console.log('Never gonna make you cry');
console.log('Never gonna say goodbye');
console.log('Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you');

never Type

You can annotate a type as never e.g.

let example: never;

Nothing can be assigned to a never e.g. the following will error:

let example: never;
example = 123; // Error!

Example Use Case

It can be used to ensure that certain scenarios never happen, e.g. missing some type in a discriminated union:

type Square = {
kind: 'square',
size: number,

type Rectangle = {
kind: 'rectangle',
width: number,
height: number,

type Shape =
| Square
| Rectangle;

function area(s: Shape) {
if (s.kind === 'square') {
return s.size * s.size;
} else if (s.kind === 'rectangle') {
return s.width * s.height;
const _ensureAllCasesAreHandled: never = s;

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Now because TypeScript does quote flow analysis, there are certain instances where it infers that something can never occur. For example, here's a function that always throws and therefore it can never return a value and TypeScript infers its return type to be the special type never. Another example of a function that never returns is something that has a very obvious infinite loop. For example, while two here, once more TypeScript infers that the return value of this function is never as dysfunction, will never return. Now never can also be used


as an explicit type annotation in TypeScript. For example. Here we have a variable which we have annotated to be never a key feature of The never type in type script is that only something of type never can be assigned to something of type never. So if you try to assign a number to a variable of type, never type script will give us a compiled time error. For example, number cannot be assigned to something that is never. We can use this fact to ensure that all important cases are handled in our code base. Let's look at an example here. We have a type square with a member size of type number


and then we have a type rectangle with member width and heights of type number. Then we have a union type shape that allows us to work with square and rectangles in our utility functions. Now our objective is to create a utility function that returns the area for any given input shape to ensure that we handle all the types of shapes that might be input. The first thing that we do is create a never variable ensure all cases are handled and try to assign the input shape to this variable. Now because the input parameter is of type shape, which is not assignable to something of type never,


this will result in a compiled time error. Only after we've handled all the cases will as truly become never. So this error is going to force us to handle the different cases and the first case that we handle is that for the square. Now once this case is there, the error changes. That rectangle is not assignable to Neva. So the next step is to handle the case for rectangle and now the error goes away indicating that we have successfully handled all the cases. Now it is a good idea to leave this never assertion as a part of the area function, ensuring code correctness


for future modifications. For example, if in the future we decide to support the circle type as a part of our shape, we immediately get a compile time error because circle is not handled within the area function and the error message is that circle cannot be assigned to never. This helps the person making the modification and they can ensure that this new type is handled in all the utility functions. Now one final thing worth mentioning is that all parts of a function must return a value, otherwise TypeScript infers that the return type of the function might be undefined.


For this particular case, we can simply return the insure variable and now type strip correctly in fill that the return type of the function will be a number.

Professional TypeScript Masterclass

Professional TypeScript Masterclass

⏱️ 1:54
⏱️ 5:44
3.Primitive Types
⏱️ 1:42
4.Instance Types
⏱️ 1:52
5.Arrays And Tuples
⏱️ 1:38
⏱️ 1:33
7.const declarations
⏱️ 1:03
8.Function Types
⏱️ 1:57
9.Structural Typing
⏱️ 2:10
10.Classes in TypeScript
⏱️ 1:48
11.Target Compiler Option
⏱️ 2:37
⏱️ 3:02
13.Special Types any And unknown
⏱️ 2:00
14.JavaScript to TypeScript
⏱️ 1:32
15.Frontend Projects
⏱️ 3:49
16.Type Assertions
⏱️ 2:15
17.Type Casting
⏱️ 1:16
⏱️ 1:55
19.Type Declarations
⏱️ 4:25
20.Creating NPM packages
⏱️ 3:20
21.Async Await
⏱️ 3:05
22.Running in NodeJS
⏱️ 1:40
23.Lexical this
⏱️ 2:34
24.readonly Modifier
⏱️ 1:59
25.Union Types
⏱️ 2:57
26.Literal Types
⏱️ 2:58
27.Type Narrowing
⏱️ 4:19
28.Discriminated Unions
⏱️ 3:29
29.Class Parameter Properties
⏱️ 1:02
30.Strict Compiler Option
⏱️ 6:18
31.null vs undefined
⏱️ 4:19
32.Intersection Types
⏱️ 2:03
33.Optional Modifier
⏱️ 2:47
34.Non Null Assertion Operator
⏱️ 3:40
⏱️ 2:28
36.Interface Declaration Merging
⏱️ 1:01
37.Types vs Interfaces
⏱️ 2:16
38.never Type
⏱️ 3:00
39.implements Keyword
⏱️ 1:25
40.Definite Assignment Assertion
⏱️ 2:31
41.User Defined Type Guards
⏱️ 2:02
42.Assertion Functions
⏱️ 3:42
43.Function Overloading
⏱️ 4:15
44.Call Signatures
⏱️ 2:53
45.Abstract Classes
⏱️ 1:53
46.Index Signatures
⏱️ 3:08
47.Readonly Arrays and Tuples
⏱️ 2:58
48.Double Assertions
⏱️ 2:20
49.const Assertions
⏱️ 3:55
50.this Parameter
⏱️ 2:33
51.Generic Constraints
⏱️ 2:43
52.typeof Type Operator
⏱️ 2:12
53.Lookup Types
⏱️ 3:12
54.keyof Type Operator
⏱️ 3:55
55.Conditional Types
⏱️ 4:39
56.Contitional Types with Unions and never
⏱️ 3:32
57.infer Keyword and `ReturnType<T>`
⏱️ 3:47
58.Mapped Types
⏱️ 2:48
59.Mapped Type Modifiers
⏱️ 3:37
60.Template Literal Type
⏱️ 4:28
⏱️ 1:27
⏱️ 1:36
⏱️ 1:34
64.Record<K, T>
⏱️ 4:05
65.Project References
⏱️ 4:18
66.undefined vs. optional
⏱️ 2:48
67.satisfies Operator
⏱️ 2:42
68.PropertyKey Type
⏱️ 0:57
⏱️ 4:11
⏱️ 4:12
71.String Manipulation Types
⏱️ 3:36
72.Mapped Types as Clauses
⏱️ 4:01
73.Union vs Intersection Mental Model
⏱️ 3:36
74.Enums are Bad
⏱️ 8:11